Thursday, June 11, 2009


We decided to design our blog using a black background and green font for the titles. When we picture a witch the colours black and green came to mind because it represents dark and evil. The banner is a picture of three witches with their arms out showing that they are doing some magic spell and the green to signify evil. The owl eyes in the picture are to represent that the witches can foreshadow future events because they tell a character's prophecies to them. The title on the banner means that people like to know about their future and so they use their witchcraft to see into their future. The music at the bottom of the blog is a song that is suspenseful and creepy with the wolf’s howl near the end of the song. We chose to use suspenseful music because the witches are evil and they turned Macbeth into an overconfident character since they told them about his prophecies. The music is to make readers who come to read the witches’ blog feel scared as if something is going to come behind them. The picture that is also at the bottom of the blog is a picture of ghosts walking around a castle. We chose this picture because Macbeth killed Duncan and Banquo and their ghosts could be walking around their castles and also ghosts are usually associated with witchcraft and spirits. Above the music there we used the quote “double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble” and we chose to use that quote because it is a famous quote from Macbeth. The white font colours in the blog is to represent where the witches stand and the green colour is to represent their leader, Hecate because of her power she has.

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