Thursday, June 11, 2009


We decided to design our blog using a black background and green font for the titles. When we picture a witch the colours black and green came to mind because it represents dark and evil. The banner is a picture of three witches with their arms out showing that they are doing some magic spell and the green to signify evil. The owl eyes in the picture are to represent that the witches can foreshadow future events because they tell a character's prophecies to them. The title on the banner means that people like to know about their future and so they use their witchcraft to see into their future. The music at the bottom of the blog is a song that is suspenseful and creepy with the wolf’s howl near the end of the song. We chose to use suspenseful music because the witches are evil and they turned Macbeth into an overconfident character since they told them about his prophecies. The music is to make readers who come to read the witches’ blog feel scared as if something is going to come behind them. The picture that is also at the bottom of the blog is a picture of ghosts walking around a castle. We chose this picture because Macbeth killed Duncan and Banquo and their ghosts could be walking around their castles and also ghosts are usually associated with witchcraft and spirits. Above the music there we used the quote “double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble” and we chose to use that quote because it is a famous quote from Macbeth. The white font colours in the blog is to represent where the witches stand and the green colour is to represent their leader, Hecate because of her power she has.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Macbeth is told of the 3 Apparitions

Macbeth came back to us as we knew he would, and we told him 3 apparitions that would lead our plan to it's final success.

A Deed Without a Name

As we predicted Macbeth came back to us for more prophecies. When he approached he seemed very angry and demanding. We, sisters, called upon our master to give Macbeth the apparitions; an armed head, a bloody child, and a child crowned with a tree in his hand. Macbeth was told to beware Macduff, the power of man: for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth, and Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him.
After Macbeth heard what the apparitions said, he did just as we wanted. Macbeth let all the information get to his head, leading him to think he is invincible. He stepped right into our plan, he has become an over confident man, so we showed him the cauldron. In the cauldron it showed eight Kings that looked like Banquo and the last had a glass in his hands, following was Banquo's ghost. Macbeth coming back to us has created more evil in him and looking at Banquo mocking him from his grave gave him a want for revenge. We have turned Macbeth, a noble kinsmen, into a character of perfect evil, just as we are.
Our powers can control the most powerful and lead them to darkness for we 3 witches do what we must to get things done.

Macbeth and Banquo First Meet the Witches

Banquo and Macbeth arrived from their victory, we stopped them and told them of their prophecies. Macbeth thane of Glamis, Cawdor and king hereafter. And for Banquo we gave him the news that, he shall be lesser than Macbeth, and greater, not so happy, yet much happier.

Macbeth Doth Come

The war is done and won; now our plan was put into action as we awaited the arrival of Scotland's heroes. Banquo and Macbeth, all hail!
We three sisters devised a plan that seemed flawless and we decided we would surprise our leader, Hecate, and continue with the plan without her consent, so that our success and initiative would be praised. Once the prophecies were told to the unknowing victims, all we have to do is wait and watch as our evil takes over. The power we posses from Satin can not be defeated. Even though they will question our words, they will still believe in them and do what it take to make the prophecies turn into a reality. Macbeth is a weak man and will be taken over by what we have just told him.
Just you wait and see.

Our Leader Comes

Hecate's Plan:
come away, come come away, come away
We stood at the heath and Hecate came.
She was upset that we made our own plans,
To tell Macbeth about his prophecies.
We did not think that we needed our leader.
The three of us decided to help him,
So we can have some fun with a weak man.
Hecate told us her own plan for Macbeth,
And soon after she left, we went to work.
Tomorrow we will change Macbeth again,
To a man who is overconfident,
And more blood will be shed because of him.

- First Witch
How dare those hags leave me out of the plan?
I am their leader I should have been there,
Never the less, I have a better plan,
This one is deadlier than the last.
I will send magical spirits to him,
Illusions that will make him confident.
Macbeth will think he is greater than fate.
So I gave those hags work and then I left.

- Hecate